Cupcake Booth Booth
Type: Booth
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Cupcake Booth
The Cupcake Booth is a Booth item in Pet Simulator 99.
It was last sold for 49.0m last month.
The latest RAP value of Cupcake Booth is 55.0m.
The existance count for Cupcake Booth is not available.
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Cupcake Booth has a rarity of Exotic.
Cupcake Booth is a level 6 Booth.
The latest sale price of Cupcake Booth is 49.0m (last month) , a 49.0m (-4900000100.00%) decrease in 24h.
The latest RAP of Cupcake Booth is 55.0m (last updated 1 hour ago), a 0 (0.00%) decrease in 24h.
What is the current price of Cupcake Booth Booth?
The current price of Cupcake Booth Booth is 49.0m Diamonds. Last updated 1 hour ago.
What is the RAP of Cupcake Booth Booth?
The latest RAP of Cupcake Booth Booth is 55.0m Diamonds. Last updated 1 hour ago.
How to get a Cupcake Booth Booth in Pet Simulator 99?
Only obtainable from trading.